2 3 A B C D E F H I L M N O P R S T W X Y Z

Display Name



202/811 Loans or Grants

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has any Section 202 or 811 loans or grants.  Through the Section 202 (Supportive Housing for the Elderly) and Section 811 (Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities) program, HUD offers interest-free capital advances to finance the development of supportive rental housing that serves households with very low income with at least one person over the age of 62 (in the case of Section 202) or with a disability (in the case of Section 811).

221/d3 Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any Section 211/d3 loans are part of the active financing for the property. Generally made for properties owned by non-profit entities, Section 221/d3 loans originally provided the owner with a below market interest rate of 3%. 

221/d4 Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any Section 221/d4 loans are part of the active financing for the property. Generally made for properties owned by for-profit entities, Section 221/d4 loans originally provided the owner with a below market interest rate of 4%. 

236 Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether Section 236 loans are part of the active financing for the property. Section 236 loans provided a subsidy to reduce market-rate mortgage interest payments to 1%.  In exchange, the property owner agreed to provide affordable rental housing for households making no more than 80% of area median income.

2nd Subsidy Contract Number

Contract number for the secondary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

2nd Subsidy Expiration Date

Overall expiration date for the secondary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

2nd Subsidy Notes

Explanatory notes for the secondary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

2nd Subsidy Program

The secondary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property, for example: HUD Insured, Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Rural Development, Section 8 Uninsured.

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3rd Subsidy Contract Number

Contract number for the tertiary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

3rd Subsidy Expiration Date

Overall expiration date for the tertiary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

3rd Subsidy Notes

Explanatory notes for the tertiary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

3rd Subsidy Program

The tertiary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property, for example: HUD Insured, Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Rural Development, Section 8 Uninsured.

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Allocation Year

The year in which the state allocated Low Income Housing Tax Credits to this project.

Also Known As

An alternate or former name used for the property

Assisted Living Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any loans for an assisted living property are part of the active financing.

Associated Financing Number

For a property with active financing, this is the FHA loan or the Section 202/811 loan/capital advance number. The prefix “126” indicates the property is in Oregon, while the remaining letters and/or numbers reference the specific program

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BMIR Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has any active financing that includes a below market interest rate (BMIR) loan.

Board and Care Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any of the active financing for the property are loans for a board and care property.

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CDBG Funds

Indicates whether the property received Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

Census Tract Number, 2000

The census tract number of the property for the 2000 census.

Co-Insured Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has any active financing that includes a co-insured loan.

Congressional District Code

The property's U.S. congressional district code, based on 2000 Census redistricting data. See Congressional District Code 2010 field for district effective January 2013.

Congressional District Code 2010

The property's U.S. congressional district code, based on 2010 Census redistricting data. New districts are effective January 2013.

Construction Loan Date (RD Only)

The date of the construction loan. This information is available for Rural Development Properties only.

Contract Document Type

The document type of the contract.

Contract renewal submitted?

This field indicates whether a notice has been submitted indicating that the owner wishes to renew their contract. If the answer is no, no such notice has been submitted.

Contract Rent: 0 Bedroom

The HUD contract rent for applicable units at the property that are zero bedroom, studio or efficiency. Contract rent includes all rental subsidy and tenant-paid amounts. Some properties have units of the same bedroom size with different contract rent amounts; see Notes for additional information.

Contract Rent: 1 Bedroom

The HUD contract rent for applicable units at the property that are one bedroom. Contract rent includes all rental subsidy and tenant-paid amounts. Some properties have units of the same bedroom size with different contract rent amounts; see Notes for additional information.

Contract Rent: 2 Bedroom

The HUD contract rent for applicable units at the property that are two bedroom. Contract rent includes all rental subsidy and tenant-paid amounts. Some properties have units of the same bedroom size with different contract rent amounts; see Notes for additional information.

Contract Rent: 3 Bedroom

The HUD contract rent for applicable units at the property that are three bedroom. Contract rent includes all rental subsidy and tenant-paid amounts. Some properties have units of the same bedroom size with different contract rent amounts; see Notes for additional information.

Contract Rent: 4 Bedroom

The HUD contract rent for applicable units at the property that are four bedroom. Contract rent includes all rental subsidy and tenant-paid amounts. Some properties have units of the same bedroom size with different contract rent amounts; see Notes for additional information.

Contract Term, Months HUD PBRA Contract

The number of months in the term of the HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contract.

Count: 0 Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size - studio or efficiency.  Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

Count: 1 Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size – one bedroom. Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

Count: 2 Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size - two bedroom. Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

Count: 3 Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size - three bedroom. Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

Count: 4 Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size - four bedroom. Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

Count: 5+ Bedroom

The number of units for this specific bedroom size - five plus bedrooms. Due to data availability, count for HUD subsidized properties likely to include only those under the project-based rental assistance contract.

County FIPS Code, 2000

The County FIPS Code for the year 2000.

Current Expiration Date HUD PBRA Contract

The expiration date of the current term of the HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contract. If there are multiple terms in the contract, this date is before the overall expiration date.

Current rents: 0 Bedrooms

The current rent for any units in the building that are zero bedroom, studio or efficiency.  If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Current rents: 1 Bedroom

The current rent for any units in the building that are one bedroom. If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Current Rents: 2 Bedroom

The current rent for any units in the building that are two bedroom. If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Current Rents: 3 Bedroom

The current rent for any units in the building that are three bedroom. If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Current Rents: 4 Bedroom

The current rent for any units in the building that are four bedroom. If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Current Rents: 5 plus Bedroom

The current rent for any units in the building that are five plus bedrooms. If no such units exist, the field will be zero.



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Date of Last Data Update

The date of last update to the data in this database.

Date submitted.

The date the opt-out notice was submitted.

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Effective Date HUD PBRA Contract

The effective date of the current HUD project based rental assistance (PBRA) contract.


A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has an approved Plan of Action under the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act (ELIHPA). Sometimes referred to as Title II. 

Exchange (TCEP) Funds

Indicates whether a tax credit exchange (TCEP) fund were used on the project.

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Fair Market Rent: 0 Bedroom

The Fair Market Rent for this specific bedroom size (zero, studio or efficiency). If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Fair Market Rent: 1 Bedroom

The Fair Market Rent for this specific bedroom size (one bedroom). If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Fair Market Rent: 2 Bedroom

The Fair Market Rent for this specific bedroom size (two bedroom). If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Fair Market Rent: 3 Bedroom

The Fair Market Rent for this specific bedroom size (three bedroom). If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

Fair Market Rent: 4 Bedroom

The Fair Market Rent for this specific bedroom size (four bedroom). If no such units exist, the field will be zero.

FHA Insured Loans

Indicates whether the property received FHA Insured Loans.

Financing Adjustment Factor (FAF)

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has received a Financing Adjustment Factor (FAF). Under a bond-refunder agreement with HUD, project cost savings resulting from reduced debt service are shared between OHCS and HUD.

FIPS Code, 2000

The Unique 2000 Census ID.  Digits 1-2 indicate the State FIPS Code, digits 3-5 indicate the County FIPS Code and digits 6-11 indicate the census tract number.

FIPS Place Code, 2000

FIPS Place Code, 2000

Flag: Year Missing

Indicates how missing Year Placed in Service and Allocation Year data are handled. 0=Data complete, 1=Missing Allocation Year replaced with Year Placed in Service, 2=Missing Year Placed in Service replaced with Allocation Year.

FMHA Section 515 Loans

Indicates whether the property received a Section 515 Loan through USDA Rural Development. In 2006, a reorganization of USDA terminated the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), but the acronym still appears in some databases.

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HOME Funds

Indicates whether the property received HOME Funds.

Hospital Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any of the active financing for the property is loans for a hospital.

Housing Assistance Payment Expiration

Original expiration date of the Housing Assistance Payment contract.

Housing Assistance Payment Renewed

A Yes/No indicator signifying whether the owner has renewed the Housing Assistance Payment contract. If the field is blank, the contract has not yet expired.

HUD Administered

Indicates whether HUD is the administrator of the contract.

HUD Contact

Name of a contact person at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development who can provide information on this property loan or financing. This information is subject to change.

HUD Contract Number

The Contract number assigned to this property by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, if available.

HUD held loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any active financing instruments associated with the property are HUD-held loans.


The ID number assigned by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, if available.

HUD Owned

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property is HUD owned.

HUD Project Based Rental Assistance Units

The number of units assisted under contracts through HUD’s Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Program, such as Project-Based Section 8 or PRAC contracts.

HUD Property Category

Indicates a HUD program: Subsidized, No HUD Financing, HUD Owned, HUD Held, 202/811, Insured-Subsidized, Insured-Unsubsidized.

HUD Property ID

The ID number assigned to this property by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, if available.

HUD Status

Field indicates whether the property is considered "active" by HUD.

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Unique identifier for each property included in this database.

In Difficult Development Area Census Tract

Indicates whether the property is in a Difficult Development Area Census Tract. 0=not in DDA; 1=in Metro DDA; 2=in non-Metro DDA

In Metro Area Census Tract

Indicates whether the property is in a metro area census tract. 1=Metro/Non-central; 2=Metro/Central City; 3=Non-Metro

In Qualified Census Tract

Indicates whether the property is in a Qualified Census Tract. 1=in a qualified tract; 2=not in a qualified tract

Increase in Eligible Basis

Indicates whether the property has experienced an increase in eligible basis.


A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has any active financing that is associated with insurance.

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Last Use Restriction Expiration Date

Based on various contract/funding agreement data contained in this database, the latest date on which a use restriction will expire. Please note that this database may not contain data on all use restrictions associated with every property.


A measurement, in degrees which gives the location of a place on earth north or south of the equator.


The number of LIHTC-subsidized unites at a property.

LIHTC Year 15

The final year of the fifteen year compliance period imposed by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.


A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has an approved Plan of Action under the Low Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act (LIHPRHA).  Sometimes referred to as Title VI.


A measurement, in degrees which gives the location of a place on earth in relation to the Greenwich Meridian.

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Management Agent Address 1

Address, Line 1 of the management agent.

Management Agent Address 2

Address, Line 2 of the management agent.

Management Agent City

City of the management agent.

Management Agent Company Type

Type of Management Agent's company, i.e., Limited Dividend, Non-Profit, Other or Profit Motivated.

Management Agent Email

Email address of the management agent.

Management Agent Fax

Fax number of the management agent.

Management Agent First Name

First name of the management agent.

Management Agent Full Name

Full name of the management agent.

Management Agent HUD ID

The identification number assigned by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for this Management Agent.

Management Agent Last Name

Last name of the management agent.

Management Agent Middle Name

Middle name of the management agent.

Management Agent Organization Name

Organization name of the management agent.

Management Agent Phone

Phone number of the management agent.

Management Agent State

State of the management agent.

Management Agent Title

Title of the management agent.

Management Agent Zip Code

Zip code of the management agent.

Management Agent Zip plus 4

Four digit zip code extension of the management agent.

MIP Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property is paying a Mortgage Insurance Premium.

Month Paid

Indicates the month that the loan was paid off.  If the field is blank, the loan has not yet been paid off.

Mortgage Maturity Date

The mortgage's maturity date.

Mortgage Requirement

Indicates whether the mortgage is subject to old regulations or new regulations, if the property has a mortgage with the state housing finance agency.

MSA Name

The property's metropolitan statistical area name.

Multiple Subsidies or Contracts?

The property has multiple subsidies or contracts from one or more federal or state government agency. Please see notes section for details.

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Non Insured Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has any active financing that includes a non-insured loan.

Non Profit Sponsor?

Indicates whether the tax credits associated with the property have a non-profit sponsor. 1= Yes, 2= No

Non-Monitored Program

An indicator used by HUD, (1= Yes) indicating that the program is no longer monitored for the LIHTC program due to expired use or other reason. It does not indicate whether the project remains affordable.


General property notes

Number of units for elderly

The number of units designated for elderly residents by the property.

Number of units for families

The number of units designated for families by the property.

Nursing Home Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any of the active financing for the property is loans for a nursing home.

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The ID number assigned by Oregon Housing and Community Services, if available.

Old ACC Indicated

Indicates whether the contract is an older version of the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) that provided fewer restrictions on the ability to take out residual receipts when the contract is terminated.

Opt out notice submitted?

This field indicates whether a notice has been submitted indicating the owner wishes to opt out of their contract.  If the answer is no, no such notice has been submitted.

Overall expiration Date HUD PBRA Contract

The overall expiration date of the HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contract.

Overall expiration Fiscal Year HUD PBRA Contract

The overall expiration Fiscal Year of the HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contract.  Note: Fiscal Year is defined as October 1 - September 30 for this field.

Overall expiration quarter HUD PBRA Contract

The overall expiration quarter of the HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contract.  Q1 = 10/01 - 12/31, Q2 = 01/01 - 03/31, Q3 = 04/01 - 06/30, Q4 = 07/01-9/30.

Owner Address Line 1

Address, Line 1 of the owner

Owner Address Line 2

Address, Line 2 of the owner.

Owner City

City of the owner.

Owner Company Type

Type of Owner's Company, i.e., Limited Dividend, Non-Profit, Profit Motivated, or Other.

Owner Email

Email address of the owner.

Owner Fax Number

Fax number of the owner.

Owner First Name

First name of the owner.

Owner Full Name

Full name of the owner.

Owner HUD ID

The identification number assigned by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for this owner.

Owner Last Name

Last name of the owner.

Owner Middle Name

Middle name of the owner.

Owner Organization Name

Organization name of the owner.

Owner Phone Number

Phone number of the owner.

Owner State

State of the owner.

Owner Title

Title of the owner.

Owner Zip

Zip code of the owner.

Owner Zip plus 4

Four digit zip code extension of the owner.

Ownership effective date

The effective date of ownership for the current owners.

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Part of Hope VI Development

Indicates whether the property is part of a Hope VI development.

Place Based City Name

The property's standard place based city name.

Population Served

The type of population served by the property, i.e., families, elderly, disabled.

Primary Contact Address

The address of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact City

The city of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact Company

The name of the company deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact Email

The email of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact Fax

The fax number of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact First Name

The first name of the person deemed to be the primary contact person for the property.

Primary Contact Last Name

The last name of the person deemed to be the primary contact person for the property.

Primary Contact Phone

The phone number of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact State

The state of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact Website

Website of the person deemed to be the primary contact person for the property.

Primary Contact Zip Code

The zip code of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Contact Zip Code plus 4

The 4-digit zip code extension of the company or person deemed to be the primary contact for the property.

Primary Financing

This field identifies the primary type of financing associated with the property. This field is used for properties associated with HUD.  The possible financing types are: Insured, 202/811, HUD Owned, HUD Held, or Non-Insured.

Program Type Code

HUD field defined as a derived field based on the program type name and contract document type.  Based on program type name, 202/8NC=202, 202/8SR=202, 515/8NC=515, 515/8SR=515, HFDA/8NC=HFDA, HFDA/8SR=HFDA, LMSA=LMSA, 202/162MR=PAC, 202/162NC=PAC, 202/162SR=PAC, PAC/202=PAC, PAC/811=PAC, PAC/202=PAC, PAC/202=PAC, PAC/811=PAC, PD/8Existing=PD, PD/8MR=PD, PD/8SR=PD, PRAC/202=PRAC, PRAC/811=PRAC, Preservation=PRES, RAP=RAP, Rent Supp=SUPP, Sec 8 SR=S8SR, Sec 8 NC=S8NC, contains Service Coo=Service Coordinator, contains UnasstPrj SCRAP= Service Coordinator, All others=UNK.

Program Type Group Name

HUD Field defined as a derived field based on the program type group code: 202=Sec. 202,515=S8 FmHA, HFDA=S8 State Agency, LMSA=S8 Loan Mgmt, PAC=PAC 202/811, PD=S8 Prop. Disp., PRAC=PRAC 202/811, PRES=S8 Preservation, RAP= Sec. 236 RAP, SUPP=Rent Supplement, S8NC=Other S8 New, S8SR=Other S8 Rehab, Service Coordinator=Service Coordinator, All others=Unknown. 

Program Type Name

HUD field indicating the name of the HUD program type.

Property Address 1

The address, line 1, of the property.

Property Address 2

The address, line 2, of the property.

Property City

The city of the property.

Property County

The property's county name.

Property County Code

The county code for the property.

Property Name

The name of the property.

Property Phone Number

The phone number of the property.

Property State

The state of the property.

Property Zip Code

The zip code of the property.

Property Zip+4 Code

The four digit zip code extension of the property's address

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RD Rental Assistance Units

The number of units with project-based assistance from USDA Rural Development’s Rental Assistance (RA) program. Please note that, unlike HUD’s PBRA programs, the RA program allows RD to recapture rental assistance on a unit-by-unit basis if the assistance for an individual unit remains unused for an extended period of time. Thus, RA unit totals have the potential to be more fluid than HUD project based rental assistance unit totals.

REAC Score 1

For HUD properties only. Properties receive physical inspections through HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) on a routine basis. In general, the previous inspection score determines the frequency: a 90 or above results in an inspection every three years; a 80 to 90 results in an inspection every two years; and below 80 results in annual inspections. A score of 60 and above is considered a passing score. The letter ‘a’ is given if there are no health and safety (H&S) deficiencies; ‘b’ if there are one or more non-life threatening H&S deficiencies; and ‘c’ if there are one or more life threatening H&S deficiencies, also known as exigent or fire safety deficiencies. An asterisk indicates a smoke detector deficiency. For additional information on REAC and physical inspections, visit http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/public_indian_housing/reac.

REAC Score 1 Date

Date of REAC Score 1

REAC Score 2

For HUD properties only. Properties receive physical inspections through HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) on a routine basis. In general, the previous inspection score determines the frequency: a 90 or above results in an inspection every three years; a 80 to 90 results in an inspection every two years; and below 80 results in annual inspections. A score of 60 and above is considered a passing score. The letter ‘a’ is given if there are no health and safety (H&S) deficiencies; ‘b’ if there are one or more non-life threatening H&S deficiencies; and ‘c’ if there are one or more life threatening H&S deficiencies, also known as exigent or fire safety deficiencies. An asterisk indicates a smoke detector deficiency. For additional information on REAC and physical inspections, visit http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/public_indian_housing/reac.

REAC Score 2 Date

Date of REAC Score 2

REAC Score 3

For HUD properties only. Properties receive physical inspections through HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) on a routine basis. In general, the previous inspection score determines the frequency: a 90 or above results in an inspection every three years; a 80 to 90 results in an inspection every two years; and below 80 results in annual inspections. A score of 60 and above is considered a passing score. The letter ‘a’ is given if there are no health and safety (H&S) deficiencies; ‘b’ if there are one or more non-life threatening H&S deficiencies; and ‘c’ if there are one or more life threatening H&S deficiencies, also known as exigent or fire safety deficiencies. An asterisk indicates a smoke detector deficiency. For additional information on REAC and physical inspections, visit http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/public_indian_housing/reac.

REAC Score 3 Date

Date of REAC Score 3

REUA Expiration Date

The date the Reservation and Extended Use Agreement (REUA) expires for a Low Income Housing Tax Credit property.

Refinanced Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether any of the active financing for the property has been refinanced.

Rent to FMR Description

A description of the Rent to FMR Ratio. 

Rent to FMR Ratio

Ratio of the rent gross amount to the Fair Market Rent gross amount.  This field is determined through a HUD formula.

Risk Sharing Loans

A yes/no indicator signifying whether the property has an active financing that includes a risk-sharing loan.

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State FIPS Code, 2000

The State FIPS Code for the year 2000.

State House District Code 2000

The property's state house district code, based on 2000 Census redistricting data.  See State House District Code 2010 field for district effective January 2013.

State House District Code 2010

The property’s state house district code, based on 2010 Census redistricting data. New districts are effective January 2013.

State Senate District Code 2000

The property's state senate district code, based on 2000 Census redistricting data.  See State Senate District Code 2010 field for district effective January 2013.

State Senate District Code 2010

The property’s state senate district code, based on 2010 Census redistricting data. New districts are effective January 2013.


A subjective index that assesses the property's potential to lose an important component of its affordability. A property's status will likely change as subsidy contract expiration dates approach.  Possible options include (with corresponding ID code from downloadable Excel version of database):

·         For Sale (1)

·         At-Risk - High (2) - Potential to lose an important component of affordability is high, often due to project-based rental assistance contract expiration within the year.

·         At-Risk - Moderate (3) - Potential to lose an important component of affordability is moderate, often due to project-based rental assistance contract expiration within the next two years.

·         At-Risk - Low (4) - Potential to lose an important component of affordability is low, often due to project-based rental assistance contract expiration within the next five years.

·         At-Risk - Possible (5) - Potential to lose an important component of affordability is either minimal or expiration of use restrictions and subsidy contracts is more than five years away.  Often includes properties with contract expiration dates within five years, but with non-profit ownership entities that are likely to renew and preserve affordability.

·         Transfer Pending (6) - Pending transfer or sale, to be accompanied by new financing or subsidy contract extension to keep property affordable for the long term.  Includes properties in process of refinancing with extended use restrictions.

·         Preserved (7) - Extended use restrictions in place and/or long-term project-based rental assistance contract executed.

·         Converted to Market Rate (8) - All use restrictions, including project-based rental assistance contracts, expired or otherwise removed.

Subsidy Program Type

The primary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property:

·         HUD Subsidized (1)

·         Rural Development (2)

·         Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) (3)

·         State Financed, with HUD project-based Section 8 (4)

·         Multiple Subsidies (5)

·         Other (6)

Subsidy Type Notes

Explanatory notes for the primary type of subsidy used to ensure affordability for the property.

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Targeted Population

If the property targets a specific population, this field specifies the population.

Targets Disabled

Indicates whether the property specifically targets the disabled population.

Targets Elderly

Indicates whether the property specifically targets the elderly population.

Targets Families

Indicates whether the property specifically targets families.

Targets Homeless

Indicates whether the property specifically targets the homeless population.1

Targets Other

Indicates whether the property targets a specific population, other.

Targets Specific Populations

Indicates whether the property targets specific populations.

Tax Exempt Bonds

Indicates whether tax exempt bonds were received.

TCAP Funds

Indicates whether the property used Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funds.

Total Number of Project-Based Assisted Units

The total number of units assisted under project-based assistance contracts with HUD and/or RD. Properties may have multiple contracts. Please note that this total does not currently include Project-Based Voucher units, for which local PHA’s administer the contracts.

Total Number of Units

The total number of units assisted under project-based assistance contracts with HUD and/or RD. Properties may have multiple contracts. Please note that this total does not currently include Project-Based Voucher units, for which local Public Housing Authorities administer the contracts.



Type of Construction

Indicates the type of construction of the property. 1=new construction; 2=Acquisition and Rehab; 3=Both new construction and A/R; 4=existing

Type of Credit Percent

 1=30 percent present value; 2=70 percent present value; 3=Both. An indicator for Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties that indicates the type of credit the property receives.

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Utility Allowance: 0 Bedroom

The utility allowance, under the HUD contract, for applicable units at the property that are zero-bedroom, studio, or efficiency.

Utility Allowance: 1 Bedroom

The utility allowance, under the HUD contract, for applicable units at the property that are one-bedroom.

Utility Allowance: 2 Bedrooms

The utility allowance, under the HUD contract, for applicable units at the property that are two-bedrooms.

Utility Allowance: 3 Bedrooms

The utility allowance, under the HUD contract, for applicable units at the property that are three-bedrooms.

Utility Allowance: 4 Bedrooms

The utility allowance, under the HUD contract, for applicable units at the property that are four-bedrooms.

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Weatherization Assistance Program Eligible

Indicates a U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program eligible project.

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X GPS Coordinates

Coordinates used by the Global Positioning System (GPS) to designate a specific place on earth through the use of orbiting satellites and computer technology.

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Y GPS Coordinates

Coordinates used by the Global Positioning System (GPS) to designate a specific place on earth through the use of orbiting satellites and computer technology.

Year 15 provision, LIHTC Properties

Any provisions that govern ownership, affordability and other uses of a property after the fifteen year use agreement expires for a property with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) assistance.

Year Built

The year the property was built.

Year Placed in Service

The year the property was placed in service.

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Z GPS Coordinates

Coordinates used by the Global Positioning System (GPS) to designate a specific place on earth through the use of orbiting satellites and computer technology.